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TEL: 029-89015942
ADD:No.15 building science&technology enterprise accelerator park. caotang industry base xi’an Hi-tech zone. shaanxi. China
Location:About Shibo
   Company Introduction
Auther:Xi’an Shibo Fluid Technology Co., ltd

  Xi’an Shi Bo fluid technology co., ltd (SBFT)  is founded in 2006. Located in Cao tang Science and Technology Industry Base, Xi’an Hi-tech Zone Shaanxi province ,China . SBFT has 10 years experience in the  supply of  fluid soft bag filling machine, aseptic and non aseptic bag in box  filling machine.
  Ten years R&D ,manufacture experience , together with skilled craft man and qualified engineers, SBFT get CE certificate in 2013 . according to diversity of market , SBFT produce  aseptic and non aseptic filling machine to meet customer needs , BIB200、BIB200D.  BIB500 AUTO(First company produce auto filling machine in China).   ASP100、  ASP100 AUTO and filling machine line,  suitable for 2L, 3L 5L, 200L 1000L and other large scale bags.

copyright@2017 Xi’an Shibo Fluid Technology Co., ltd ADD:No.15 building science&technology enterprise accelerator park. caotang industry base xi’an Hi-tech zone. shaanxi. China

TEL:029-89015941 029-89015942  Record number:陜ICP備07002267號  Technical support:Trueniu