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ADD:No.15 building science&technology enterprise accelerator park. caotang industry base xi’an Hi-tech zone. shaanxi. China
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Auther:Xi’an Shibo Fluid Technology Co., ltd

BIB(bag in box )filling machine for liquid fertilizer industry


Bag in box Fertilizer is a kind of material that is applied to solid or plant to supply one or more plant nurtrients essential to the growth of plant.  The use of liquid fertilizer and fertilizer-pesticide solutions has increase dramatically within the last few years. The advantages of liquid materials to agriculture can not be denied--considerable saving in terms of material,handling and application cost.

 1. Materials cost --liquid fertilizer programs are less expensive than dry only if materials are purchased as concentrated liquids.this is true due to the higher analysis of fertilizer materials and lower transportation costs.  

 2. Handling and applications-- when preparing for a days work, any operator would  quickly agree to the advantages of metering liquid fertilizer into a tank compared to loading and unloading  a truck with heavy fertilizer bag in box .


A leading provider of packaging solutions.has been named the exclusive bag in box filling machine manufacture in west China, SBFT bag in box filling machine and equipment award a good reputation in filling machine area with CE certificate.SBFT BIB dual head filing machine is applicable to liquid fertilizer since 2006. The demand for bag in box filling machine is increasing in step with steady growing consumer demand for fertilizer and pharmacy products.


copyright@2017 Xi’an Shibo Fluid Technology Co., ltd ADD:No.15 building science&technology enterprise accelerator park. caotang industry base xi’an Hi-tech zone. shaanxi. China

TEL:029-89015941 029-89015942  Record number:陜ICP備07002267號(hào)  Technical support:Trueniu