fillers for beverage industry
The beverage industry is typically high speed production on rotary filling equipment. The primary filling machine used to fill carbonated beverages is typically a 1000 container per minute system costing millions of dollars. However, there is a sizeable market for slower speed “inline” filling machines for specialty beverages and regional distribution of some beverages. Please note that this discussion and description specifically excludes carbonated products. The reason these products are being excluded is that there are few viable manufacturers of slow speed carbonated filling machines. The reason there are few of these slow speed filling machine manufacturers (about 3 worldwide) is that the market for carbonated products is very mature and almost entirely high speed.
There are smaller worldwide markets for fresh and pasteurized juice, artificial juice (i.e. “belly wash”), teas and water industries that are served by filling machines operating in the range of 100bpm (or less) . There are two filling machine types to consider for the slow speed beverage industry but only one machine in particular dominates the market for filling beverages. The Overflow Filling Machine is the primary machine used in the (non carbonated) beverage industry but some discussion below will apply to a Time Gravity Filling Machine to better educate the buyer.
SBFT Offers bag in box fillers :
?BIB200 Single head filling machine
?BIB200D Dual head filling machine
?Auto BIB 500 Automatic filling machine
?ASP100 Single head aseptic filling machine
?ASP100D Dual head aseptic filling machine
?Auto ASP100 Automatic aseptic filling machine
?Box erector (Hot melt adhesive)
?Box sealer (Hot melt adhesive)
?Box packing machine
?Transfer System