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US demand for wine packaging to reach $2.9 billion by 2019
Auther:Xi’an Shibo Fluid Technology Co., ltd

Demand for wine packaging in the United States is projected to reach $2.9 billion by 2019, according to a new study from New York-based Freedonia titled “Wine Packaging.” Growth will benefit from continued favorable gains in domestic wine consumption and production as well as increases in disposable personal income, the market research firm states. In the United States, wine is becoming more prevalent as an accompaniment to meals at home rather than a beverage consumed at restaurants or special events. Opportunities for related packaging will benefit from the importance of packaging both as a marketing tool and for its ability to enhance the perception of wine quality.


Bag-in-box packaging will register solid increases because of expanded 1.5- and 3-liter premium offerings. The recent adoption of bag-in-box by premium wine brands, particularly in 3-liter sizes, is helping to mitigate the stigma of boxed wine as inferior in quality to bottled wine. Bag-in-box wines offer a variety of benefits for consumers, including lower cost per unit of volume, extended freshness and easier dispensing and storage, according to Freedonia.

An additional advantage of bag-in-box containers is their large surface area, which offers significantly more space for colorful graphics and text than bottle labels, the market research firm notes. 


copyright@2017 Xi’an Shibo Fluid Technology Co., ltd ADD:No.15 building science&technology enterprise accelerator park. caotang industry base xi’an Hi-tech zone. shaanxi. China

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