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ADD:No.15 building science&technology enterprise accelerator park. caotang industry base xi’an Hi-tech zone. shaanxi. China
Automatic Filling Machine Line
Auther:Xi’an Shibo Fluid Technology Co., ltd

A ful automatic line for bag in box packaging from 2 liters to 25 liters. The line is made of :

1 automatic filling machine AUTO BIB500 filling machine

1 box erector (hot melt adhesive)

1 box sealer for gluing the bottom flaps after filling

1 box packing machine (soft bag)

Transfer system and various conveyors

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  • copyright@2017 Xi’an Shibo Fluid Technology Co., ltd ADD:No.15 building science&technology enterprise accelerator park. caotang industry base xi’an Hi-tech zone. shaanxi. China

    TEL:029-89015941 029-89015942  Record number:陜ICP備07002267號(hào)  Technical support:Trueniu