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ADD:No.15 building science&technology enterprise accelerator park. caotang industry base xi’an Hi-tech zone. shaanxi. China
ASP200 Aseptic Filling Machine
Auther:Xi’an Shibo Fluid Technology Co., ltd

Features :

The product equipped with the control system consisting of the man-machine interface and PLC  is easy and clear  for operation. In addtion , it also has function of automatic check and protection. Protection function: electromagnetic flowmeter system increase the filling accuracy and reach the ration filling


Tea concentrates

Diary products (icemix , cream , milk , condensed milk)

Fruit products ( Juices, pureses, jams, and concentrates)

Liquid egg products (Whole egg, egg white and egg yolk)

Post mix and syruups

Sauces(mayonnaise, ketchup)

Water Bakery products

Soy Wine  Odile oil /coking oil

Pharmacy Fertilizer

Technical Parameter:

ASP200(Single head)

Filling capacity:  3~4T/h

Bag standard: 1 inch opening asepsis bag

Encapsulation precision: 0.5Kg

Compressed air:6~8bar 25NL/min

Food steam:6~8bar 50Kg/h

Electric power:3KVA 380V 50HZ

Hydraulic fluctuating

Mass flow meter(E+H)

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    Asp300 Tonnage Aseptic Filling Machine

  • copyright@2017 Xi’an Shibo Fluid Technology Co., ltd ADD:No.15 building science&technology enterprise accelerator park. caotang industry base xi’an Hi-tech zone. shaanxi. China

    TEL:029-89015941 029-89015942  Record number:陜ICP備07002267號  Technical support:Trueniu